Tuesday 5 February 2013

Globalization and Professional Change (05/02/2013)

Globalization and Professional Change

This blog is going to be built day by day during the next months. Although, nowadays the idea is to collect and reflect about some concepts that can influence in a direct or indirect way education, I will include some other articles and reflections that I consider relevant as a future teacher. 

Actually, there are some items on which I have already started working, as for example globalization, sustainability and tolerance. In these sections I have given a personal view of what these concepts means to me, and also I have tried to complement with some personals experiences that are related with it.

As a summary, in the GLOBALIZATION section (05/02/2013) I have reflect about what are the drawbacks of globalization and what must be the role of teachers to face the challenges that may involve this process.

In the SUSTAINABILITY section (12/02/2013) I have made a definition about what meant to me this word at the beginning of the lesson and how my idea changed once the class was finished. Moreover, I have included a little reflection about how important is the teacher role to make our students aware of the relevance of keep maintaining a sustainable world. Moreover, I have linked a project that is executed in my home country.

In the TOLERANCE section (19/02/2013) we watched a video that made us think about what tolerance mean, as well as we played a game. I thought that the game was very interesting and it is feasible to put into practice with our future pupils. In the "tolerance" section you can find more information about it. 

Globalization, Sustainability & Tolerance