
My reflection on this quote

“In a time when there is hunger for innovation everywhere, we think our primary responsibility is to help prepare a generation of students to rise with the challenges of our times' (”

How and why do you intend to create an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset in your pupils? Or why not?

To be or not to be innovative, this is the question!
Nowadays, societies are in a constant change. However, for a while I am going to focus on Spain. Spanish society, as well as in the other countries around the world, is changing. But furthermore, our education system has become weaker and weaker because of these changes. From my point of view, the best way to face the society changes in Spain is to have a solid education foundation in order to adapt as quickly as possible to the changes. The fact of not implement any innovation, makes me think that if nowadays we applied innovations of the last century, they could be useful, since we could not appreciate any results because of this constant change.

On the other hand, if as in the quotation above we are talking about why or why not do we intend to create an innovative mindset in our pupils, I think that we must do it. I think that the word innovation is linked with creativity that’s one of the reasons why it is important to foment it. 
To carry out an innovation is necessary to take a number of risks and ensures that no one will come out as expected, that means trying new things or alternative ways of doing things, ways that will foster creativity.
Also implement an innovation means being open to mistakes and learn from mistakes, and consequently, see what the problems were with the purpose of finding new ideas to cover a particular situation, which also involves the promotion of creativity. However, to be creative you have to be prepared to take risks and make mistakes, and that is often internalize when established an environment of trust, in education, through cooperative and collaborative work.

Whether creativity is understood as the ability to provide solutions to a situation in a new way, I think schools do not encourage creativity, because to encourage the students to find new solutions, teaching methodology should be more flexible and allow students experience, become more involved in their own learning process, as well as promote a more interactive between students. The current school model is based on a series of barriers that leaves such creativity flourish.
Personally, I think that by leaving pupils be creative they are indirectly becoming innovative in their own way, so that means that they are being able to face different situation using different tools and resources. Consequently they are becoming competent citizens that face real problems that take place in our societies.

Now I have attached a video. A Ken Robinson's video, where he said that schools kill creativity. It's about a 20 minutes video, but I really recommend it!

My favourite page on Design for Change. Why? 

I have chosen the following website:

In this page I have seen the following quotation about education “Children should be taught in an active way, and doing things through games. It is very different from what is going on in schools, involving sit and absorb information” Edward de Bono.
Personally, I think that normally we tend to expect that teachers put into practice innovative projects, and we do not think about what does it means. In this page, I have found a course offered to teachers called “Experiential Methodology Course in the School Context”. From my point of view, I consider this course quite interesting because by working through experiential methodology, first teachers can learn by themselves in a direct way and then they can make their own project and put it into practice with their students. Once you have experienced how you can learn, you can reproduce a similar way to make your students learn. The difference, in this case, is that by using experiential methodologies we promote experiments through which our pupils can train a certain skill or learn something new about a specific content.
In my opinion, I totally agree with one of the advantages that this experiential methodology offer. By planning different kind of experiments, we, as teachers, promote the use of multiple senses and consequently pupils can memorize and learn content in a rich way. Or, what is the same; they can internalize knowledge or acquired it in a meaningful way.
To sum up, I would like to say that nobody is born learned, so if we want that teachers use innovative methodologies and develop innovative projects, they must receive course formation. 


INNOVATION: innovation is a realization motivated from outside or inside the school that intends to change, transform or improve the existing reality in which creative activity comes into play.

Jaume Carbonell (LION Canal, 2002: 11-12), understands educational innovation as "a set of ideas, processes and strategies, more or less systematized, by which it is to enter and cause changes in current educational practices . Innovation is not a specific activity but a process, a long trip or journey stops to contemplate life in the classroom, the school organization, the dynamics of the educational community and the professional culture of teachers. Its purpose is to alter the current reality, changing conceptions and attitudes, methods and interventions altering and improving or transforming, as applicable, the processes of teaching and learning. Innovation, therefore, is associated with the change and has an explicit or hidden component-ideological, cognitive, ethical and emotional. Because innovation appeals to the subjectivity of the subject and the development of his individuality, and the relationship is inherent theoretical and practical educational act. "

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: from the French entrepreneur (pioneer), and refers to the ability of a person to make an extra effort to achieve a goal or objective. It is the attitude and aptitude of the person who lets undertake new challenges, new projects, is what lets go one step further, to go beyond where it has already arrived.

ENTREPRENEURIAL: is a person who organizes the resources at its disposal to implement a project that has been developed.

DESIGN: to work out the structure or form of a project, as by making a sketch, outline, pattern, or plans.

PROTOTYPE: it is a model of project that it has been already put into practice that it is taken as a model for creating new projects.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Alba,
    Excellent work on innovation - you understand the concepts and are fully aware of the consequences for the teacher. You have selected some extremely relevant resources and I agree with your point that teachers who have gone through innovative processes themselves are more able to work with innovation i teaching and learning with pupils.
    Good luck with your own work on innovation - I am convinced it will be a major part of your work in the future.
